A new pet can be overwhelming as there is so much information to take in while the furry bundle of joy wreaks havoc on the household. Fortunately all new puppy, kitten and rabbit vaccinations include a thorough chat about all the dos and don’ts associated with pet care and there is always an experienced staff member at the end of the phone to answer your questions. 

Vaccination has long been an effective way to reduce disease burden in pets and farm animals, and is a key tool in maintaining animal health and welfare. Vaccines continue to play an increasingly vital role in preventative health and disease control programmes in animals. Innovative research and the development of safe, effective and quality vaccines means that our pets and farm animals continue to benefit from vital medicines that prevent or alleviate clinical signs of disease.

Dog Vaccinations

Dogs are susceptible to a range of infectious diseases that can have a serious effect on their health and welfare. Fortunately, safe, effective, high quality vaccines have been developed to tackle many of these disease threats. We vaccinate dogs against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis. We also offer the option to vaccinate against rabies (before travelling) and kennel cough (great for all dogs who either visit kennels, play with other dogs, visit the park, go to training etc.).

When to vaccinate?

  • First Vaccine: 6-8 weeks old
  • Second Vaccine: 4 weeks after 1st vaccination
  • Booster Vaccine: Every year 

Cat Vaccinations

Cats are susceptible to infectious diseases that can have a serious effect on their health and welfare. Many of these are viral infections, which can be life limiting or contribute to a lifetime of chronic illness. We vaccinate cats against the viruses and bacteria responsible for cat flu and respiratory disease, feline infectious enteritis and the feline leukaemia virus.

When to vaccinate?

  • First Vaccine: from 9 weeks of age
  • Second Vaccine: from 12 weeks of age
  • Booster Vaccine: Every year

Rabbit Vaccinations

Rabbits, just like cats and dogs, are susceptible to infectious diseases that have a serious effect on their health and welfare. In some cases, infection will result in rabbits needing prolonged intensive care treatment and in many cases the most serious viral diseases of rabbits are fatal.

Two very important viral rabbit diseases we vaccinate against are myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD type 1 + type 2).

Myxomatosis is a disease to which all breeds of domesticated, as well as wild, rabbits are at risk. It is typically spread by blood sucking insects including rabbit fleas, mosquitos and mites and by direct contact with infected rabbits. All rabbits are at potential risk of infection as the disease can be carried over distances by insects, which can then come into contact with indoor as well as outdoor rabbits. The disease is frequently fatal and so vaccination, along with flea control, good husbandry and stress reduction, is recommended.

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD), also known as Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) is another very serious infectious disease of rabbits. All rabbits are again at potential risk as it is spread by both direct and indirect contact with infected rabbits. Indirect transfer can occur via people and their clothing, through contaminated hutches and bedding, as well as insect vectors such as fleas and flies. More recently, another new variant of RHD has emerged (RHD-2)

When to vaccinate?

Myxo + RHD type 1

  • First Vaccine: from 5 weeks of age
  • Booster Vaccine: Every year

RHD type 2 (we recommend leaving 2 weeks between MyxoRHD1 and RHD2)

  • First Vaccine: from 30 days old
  • Booster Vaccine: Every 9 months