Pet Geriatric Care

Abbeyville Vet Hospital specialises in senior pet care, addressing evolving healthcare needs to ensure their continued well-being and happiness.

Pet Geriatric Care in Cork

At Abbeyville Veterinary Hospital, we understand the importance of providing specialised care for senior pets. As our furry companions age, their healthcare needs evolve, requiring tailored attention to ensure their continued well-being.

A vet petting a cat.

Geriatric Check-ups

Regular check-ups become increasingly essential as pets enter their senior years. To address this, we offer comprehensive geriatric checks for pets aged 10 years or older. These biannual examinations allow us to closely monitor your pet’s health and detect any age-related issues early on.

Key Services and Benefits

  • Comprehensive Examinations: Our geriatric check-ups encompass thorough physical examinations, including assessments of mobility, vision, and cognitive function.
  • Tailored Care Plans: Based on the findings of the examination, we develop personalised care plans to address your pet’s specific needs, including dietary adjustments, exercise recommendations, and pain management strategies.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Proper nutrition is crucial for senior pets to maintain optimal health. Our veterinarians provide expert guidance on selecting appropriate diets and supplements to support your pet’s overall well-being.
  • Pain Management: Age-related conditions such as arthritis can cause discomfort and affect your pet’s quality of life. We offer various pain management options, including medications, supplements, and therapeutic interventions to alleviate discomfort and improve mobility.

Why Choose Abbeyville Veterinary Hospital

  • Experienced Veterinarians: Our team consists of skilled veterinarians with extensive experience in geriatric care, providing your senior pet with the highest level of expertise and compassion.
  • Advanced Facilities: At Abbeyville Veterinary Hospital, we are equipped with modern diagnostic tools and facilities to deliver comprehensive geriatric care services tailored to your pet’s needs.
  • Individualised Approach: We understand that every senior pet is unique, and we take a personalised approach to their care, considering their specific health status, lifestyle, and preferences.
  • Client Education: We believe in empowering pet owners with knowledge and understanding of their pet’s health needs. Our veterinarians take the time to educate clients on senior pet care practices and answer any questions or concerns they may have.
  • Community Trust: Abbeyville Veterinary Hospital is a trusted name in Cork, known for our dedication to providing exceptional veterinary care and nurturing lifelong bonds with our clients and their pets.